I didn’t think I’d get another travel post done before we headed over to Adelaide, but this should be short, considering the day we had. Go to Luxembourg if you can, but don’t do it the way we did it. We were on a bus tour from Brussels, taking three hours to get there, and three hours to get back. The lack of conveniences were a problem right from the start. The bus stopped at a huge roadside facility, but the toilets were on a level halfway way up steep stairs with a turnstile that didn’t work, and the women had to crawl on hands and knees underneath the turnstile to reach the toilets. The leader was no help, and had disappeared somewhere else. There were other buses stopping, and twenty minutes was no way long enough to manage the toilets and get a drink.
On we went. After these hours of travel we arrived at Luxembourg, along with several other buses from various places, and no conveniences. We straggled after the leader across a bridge and round to a lookout overlooking a valley and the Casemates.(historical armament fortifications) Then we were on own, with strict instructions to meet the bus at 3.00pm. Now what?
We headed into the city centre looking for public toilets (non-existent) and a cafe for lunch and their toilets. After that we found our way back to the valley, wandering around and looking down to see what we could see, all the time slowly making our way back to the bridge, as we thought. Then the panic set in. We couldn’t find the bridge, and we didn’t have the name of the street where the buses were to turn up.
I tell you, we walked for miles, on and on, and round about, and eventually sighted the roundabout, and the building where we were meant to be. I was just so stressed. And ready for a toilet stop. Here are all these people, travelling on the many buses, possibly for hours, and no conveniences for them to use before leaving.
Tomorrow I'll write about Dinant, a small town we visited on that long drive back to Brussels.